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May 08, 2005



Those Mother's Day present looks so sweet, you must be proud of your kids ;).
Anyway, I understand how annoying it could be when the salesman just expect you to know exactly what you want to buy. I hate it the most when I'm looking for yarn and the saleswoman follows me around telling me the price of each yarn I touch even though it's clearly written there. Makes me just want to get our of there as fast as possible.


I've also visited New Style and Paris this past Saturday with 2 of my knitting friends ;) There's another yarn shop in Causeway Bay called Tailor&Alteration. Have you been there yet?


I lived in HK in the 90's (also with young kids), and totally remember the Paris Cotton Singlets shop. Problem was that all the grannys crowding the store knew exactly what they wanted, and weren't shy about getting served! Where are you living -- can't figure out the angle from where you are photographing. Is it Pokfulam?


No, it's smack in the middle of the island. It's outside of the traditional districts, so the mapmakers can't decide what to call it. I've seen "Central Island" (which is a little confusing, I guess, with "Central" being so well-known) and "Tai Tam" now and then, but most just leave it blank.

Actually, in the two times I've been to Paris Cotton Singlets, there has been not another customer in the shop, so all the salesmen simply stared at me. At least the second time, I had a purpose for being there! I think I will make a "Rowan/Jaeger Wish List" next time, and just hand it over and let them get on with it.

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