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June 16, 2005



Beautiful scarf!


What a pretty pink!


I'm so glad I visited your blog! My Bloglines list shows no updates from you since early May and I've wondered what happened. Since I consider blogging a luxury and know that life often intervenes I tend to shrug it off (as opposed to worrying). Still, nice to read up.

The Misty Alpaca scarf is beautiful. Glad to hear good things about Infusion.

You've managed to add lovely yarn to stash -- even whilst herding pre-schoolers and taking tours!


Hi there!

I love your misty gardens! I'm currently working on one and I am nearly done and trying to bind off (been at it for a while now). What I'm having trouble with is making the cast off edge look like the cast ON end. In your picture (and the book) both ends look the same....How did you do it? In a few other pics online the ends aren't while others are identical. Please help!!!! I'd appreciate any hints or tips that you can pass my way.
My sincerest thanks!
Happy Knitting,
[email protected]


Dawn, it's just dumb luck that it looks the same at both ends in the photo, as if you examine it up close, you can easily tell which end is which. The mohair in the Rare Comfort helps to blur the stitches, and so if you are using a different yarn, the results will also be different. It's also probably important to stop at the last pattern row, so that there are the same number of garter rows on the ends and the curl of the fabric is balanced. I bound-off k-wise, but you could try doing it in rib (K1, P1) and see if that helps, as the stitches will lie differently that way.

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