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September 23, 2005


mary e

Yay! someone else is knitting the same thing i am, at the same time!!! But this gentle reader needs direction with row twenty's instruction to work row one and the '10 stitch repeat' in addition... where did they want this repeat added? and how often? :( i'm sorely confounded....and i feel like such a doofus...could you just point the way and I'd be happy to knit along with you...please?


I'm sorry, Mary, I gave up on this project a while ago, as the alpaca I was using made me sneeze dreadfully!

But I can help you with the other part -- when you finish row 20, you have to go back to row 1 and work the whole chart again. Since you have already added in more stitches than you started with, you will work the "10-st rep" twice before finishing that row. In other words, you will work sts 1-7 (the right edge of the chart), then sts 8-17 TWICE, then the left edge of the chart, sts 18-27. After you work the whole lower chart through for the second time, you will then go back and do it AGAIN, repeating that "10-st rep" section THREE times, and so on with one more rep each time you work the chart, until you've gotten through it however many times the patterns directs you. (Oh, it says, "when you are either halfway done with your yarn, the triangle is long enough, or you are bored"!). Just be sure to end it at the last row of the chart, so that you will be set up to work the next chart -- which you will work the same as the first one, only with one LESS repeat of the "10-st rep" each time you work it. You may find it helpful to use markers to show you where to start and stop the "10-st rep", but after finishing the chart you will have to move the left marker 10 sts to the left to keep things lined up -- since you will have 10 more sts each time you work the chart!

I hope this makes sense --

I'm posting this reply here, as my email wouldn't go through --


If you can find some lace weitgh yarn that doesn't make you sneeze then maybe you'd like to join my secret knit-along ;-)
I a big fan of A Gathering too....

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