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December 29, 2005





I gasped! :D Usually by the time a scarf gets to about 50 or so inches, I'm looking forward to doing something else. So how many balls of yarn did you use?
BTW, happy new year!!


Appreciated reading your thoughts on Backyard Leaves since I've been thinking about knitting it for a while. It looks lovely and think I prefer your version to the chunkier yarn it's knit up in for the book.

I've just found your site and love the name and your inspiration. I also love the Virginia Woolf knitting painting and am a huge Bloomsbury fan.



Joy, to be honest, I think it WAS about 50 inches when I stopped -- it stretched amazingly when I blocked it. I only used 6 balls, and it didn't seem like they were going particularly far. Oh well!


Love it! I can't wait for it to cross the wide blue Pacific so that I can actually hold it and marvel over its intricacy. What a pity that I'll have to wait until about June (winter) to wear it! It really looks wonderful -- light, almost frothy, but warm. I know how much work you put into it -- it's certainly my most special, personal Christmas gift. Thank you, DLF!

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