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January 26, 2006



I Love this sweater. It's gorgeous. Reminds me that I haven't knit an Aran in a while... Congrats on your finish. I hope you get to enjoy it gardening and reading by the fire for years to come.

sarina ochoa

great sweater! it is beautifully knit and fits perfectly. i enjoyed your comments on the construction.

also, i have to say i like your mom's knitting, too. love the bunny sweater and the shrug. i made my niece a similar squirrel sweater when she was two; now she has a baby daughter and i may have to make another. maybe bunnies would be better than squirrels, tho...


Lovely sweater - you did a great job. How does the button band feel to you in terms of flexibilty? I know you had voiced slight reservations about it in a previous post since it doesn't have the same "give" as the knitting around it since it is machine stitched. Another question - what needle size did you find to comfortable with this yarn. I am so inquisitive because I am planning my own aran a la EZ in this same sheepswool.


Beautiful...and you've inspired me to reconsider Cinxia


Beautiful! And so are the little bits of garden.


Jessica, the button band is actually more flexible than I expected it to be, although not as much as the surrounding knitting, of course. The buttons pull it more than would be possible with the grosgrain-ribbon method, but it's not much. The machine-stitching actually gives it a bit of stability.

I used US6 for most of the knitting, and US5 for the band, but I usually knit loose and have to go down a size to get gauge.


How did I miss this post first time around? I love aran knitting and this one's a beauty. Well done!


PS, now that I've read ahead to the June chapter, Elizabeth goes into further detail on page 64 about borders/collars, most importantly about shaping the inside corners at the front, and about shaping the back of the neck. Be sure to check this before plotting out your own Aran's collar!

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