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February 11, 2006



I've used my Ann Budd book so much the binding is starting to fall apart. Another book I recommend is Sensational Knitted Socks by Charlene Schurch. I'm knitting a ribbed lace pattern that is just a joy to work up and I started a chevron pattern yesterday that is equally addictive. My 10 year old loves homemade scones. I'll have to surprise him soon. Thanks for the recipe.


Beautiful color yarn...yeah socks!

And a novice question - why when I try to add your blog to my bloglines, I can, but the latest log entry is in October?


I'm afraid that I have no clue about Bloglines, so if anyone can help Shelagh, please give her a shout....


Yum. More scones. There was a slight knitting crisis when I ran out of Earl Grey but I am back on board now. Your first socks are looking well on their way. Love the colourway.


Oh -- yet another inspired photograph, composed of seemingly simple elements. Those scones look lovely, with apricot bits, no less! (Miss Marple would be a tad surprised.) The swatch colours are glorious...and even the pale off-white beige of your hot-water-and-milk (a.k.a. 'tea') looks charming. As you know, my preferred tea colour is closer to that of the table top. Hee.


I beg your pardon, Helen, that was three minutes' steeping!

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