I have spent most of the weekend outside, catching up on what I like to call gardening, but is really weeding. The weather's been perfect -- rather cool, with sun off-and-on, nice for being outdoors. No knitting, though, but apparently I'm not the only one!
Beth writes, "Public mortification - I'm still swatching. The first swatch was too large, of course I didn't have the next size down needles. Couldn't get to the yarn shop with all girls at home last week. So ashamed! I hope to have something more interesting next week."
Suse has had a busy week, although not intentionally -- "I've finished a sleeve and am working away at the second. However a trip to the hospital with a certain young man has waylaid me a tad and I haven't picked it up for a few days now."
I could also title this post, "Swing Jacket, Interrupted" --
Thought I should finish the second Hedera sock while it's fresh in my mind. I'm still avoiding making a decision about the Swing Jacket sleeves, though am fairly sure that I will resize them -- it's just a question of how much.
Dear Mrs. Bluestocking,
I wanted to tell you that I have tried to add your website to my NewsGator blog roll, but it never updates. The last entry NewsGator recorded was 18 April 2005. Do you know how (or if) I can get a feed for your website? I've tried your subscription, but that doesn't work. For now, I click on your website about 12,354 times a day, eagerly awaiting your next post. Yes, I am that addicted.
Sincerely, your blog follower,
Posted by: Christina | April 25, 2006 at 02:14 PM