Beth writes, "I've started on the back, seems to be going smoothly so far - I just find Kate's design with that back pleat to be ingenious. However, I think I need to make mine a little longer than the pattern calls for - and feel rather intimidated to figure out how without goofing up that pretty pleat as well as matching up the front pieces!"
I think that lengthening the body would involve a bit more than just working it longer than instructed, because of the back pleat. I've never modified such a tailored garment before, so if anyone has some advice, please shout out!
My guess would be that in order to keep the armhole shaping intact, the length needs to be added to the body pieces below the point where the armhole shaping begins. On the front pieces, this isn't much of a problem, as you can either add some rows in at the "continue even in patt until piece measures ___" part, or add two rows in between the decreases (as I did for the sleeves), to keep the line of the side seam straight.
For the back, you might be able to add a bit of length by widening the yoke piece, and then repositioning the armhole shaping on the back, but you either have to know ahead of time that you will adjust the length, or be prepared to reknit the yoke. This would be considerably fiddly, as well as setting the top of the pleat further down on your back, rather awkwardly. The diamond section on the pleat is the same on all sizes (112 rows), and so obviously the least-complicated way is how Kate set the stitch count for the differing sizes, by adding stitches to the plain sections on either side of the pleat, and then at the "cont without further side decs" section (just before the armhole shaping begins), do decrease until the correct number of stitches for your size is reached. The pattern doesn't give you much space to perform this trick, but I think it could be done, as long as you don't want a lot of extra length! It might be simpler to put the side decrease rows closer together, spacing them out evenly through the stockinette section.
Thanks so much for your ideas on lengthening. I had to read through them a couple of times in order to make sense of it all - I'm really slow at this sort of thing. But I think I get it now - you've given me some food for thought - I wasn't even thinking about the side decreases, I was just trying figure out how to maintain that diamond pattern up the pleat, and on the front pieces, while keeping both the front pieces and back piece of even length.
I definitely need to get more length in the body or my sleeves will look too long in proportion. Or else I need to go back and shorten the sleeves.
Posted by: Beth | June 06, 2006 at 02:50 PM
Hi Jeanne! Sorry I haven't answered the last couple of update emails but I have FINALLY started and posted the progress on my new blog this morning. - feel free to copy the pic - I was going to email it to you but couldn't get attachments working and am now out of time (gotta run to work!)
I've added some length to the front already and was wondering how well I'd manage with the sleeves and the stitch count for the top - thanks for the advice!
Posted by: The Bec Half of Glamorouse | June 15, 2006 at 05:13 PM
Me again! just needed to update my blog link in your comments - I'm still posting on Glamorouse but the relevant bits for you are on Ladies Lounge...
Posted by: Bec | June 15, 2006 at 05:15 PM
Hi Jeanne, I was directed here by Suze from Peasoup. I am interested in joining the Pearl Buck Swing Jacket Knitalong. I haven't participated in a knitalong before so if you could let me know the details I would be grateful. Thanks, Jenny
Posted by: littlejennywren | June 20, 2006 at 04:38 AM