Well, there isn't much knitting going on lately, what with the temperatures in the daytime well into the 90s F (high 30s C) and humid with it. In other years, we've consoled each other with "but it's a dry heat," but can't do that now. We have to do our errands in the mornings before it gets too hot, and then we sit around and drink iced tea (me) and cold juice (the girls) and listen to summery music in the afternoons, or go to the library where there is air conditioning.
Show and Tell this week is our coffee maker. Ah. Well.... When David and I got married, we had a tiny cappuccino maker that David had picked up as swag from some job he was working on, and I used that for a long time, running it through its paces for each individual cup as necessary, but it eventually gave out, and, barring the almost-uncontrollable cravings I had for coffee during my first pregnancy, I've rarely missed it. This, I confess, is my coffee maker now --
It makes a decent cup of coffee, not particularly high-brow, but sufficient unto the hour!
In other news, this, since there isn't much knitting (or coffee, even), is what I will be working on soon --
Yes, it's going to be a "Turning Twenty" quilt! I've been wanting to make quilts for the girls for some time now, inspired by the beautiful things that people like Nancy and Jane create. Laura and I went to the crafts shop this morning, while Julia was at summer school, and chose twenty fat quarters and a couple of yards for a border. She chose pretty much all of the fabrics herself -- I merely pointed out a few that were pretty, and that a few others were a bit loud (a neon yellow and lime tie-dye, for instance), and laid them all out on a table so that she could judge the effect -- and she got some duplicates of those she liked especially. She loves bright colors, but still says that her favorite color is purple, so I was amused to see that that is generally the effect here. Wish me luck!
I have serious quilt-itis too but since I'm packing away things that I have to pay to store, the timing really sucks. I will just have to live vicariously through you.
It's a good thing you were on Team Tea.
Posted by: Elizabeth | July 20, 2006 at 05:15 PM
I've heard those coffee bags are good!
And why not?!
Posted by: blackbird | July 20, 2006 at 06:34 PM
I see you've finally succumbed to the whipers of the turning twenty quilt. :) I love the fabrics your daughter chose! The kitty face one is darling and the pattern on the red two over from the kitty is especially interesting. Can't wait to watch your progress!
Posted by: Marie | July 21, 2006 at 12:31 PM
Neon yellow and lime tie-dye...mmmm! Oh, you big spoil-sport, you. What a fetching combination they would have made with those lovely soft pinks and lavenders! Now, I know nothing about quilting, but my friend/colleague Sandra is a quilting WHIZ, regularly bringing creations to work for us to go weak-kneed over. She seems to enjoy them and not find them at ALL difficult. So, good luck with that, old thing! (Hee.) By the way -- what is that heavenly blue-hued creation with the eyelets, resting rather casually beneath the Vivaldi?
Oh -- even though I am a Real Coffee Aficionado, I don't mind those coffee bags in the least, they are very satisfying (being filled with actual COFFEE) and light years better than that laughable 'instant' muck. (Instant what? Instant rush to the sink? Instant dash for the anti-emetic?) Of course I don't include International Foods/Jarrah etc. which don't even pretend to be coffee, so they are quite all right. But instant 'coffee' bears the same relation to real coffee (ground or in handy bags) that the unspeakable 'carob' bears to real chocolate. And now if you will excuse me, I am having a very Hormonal weekend indeed (can you tell?) so I'm off to make myself some filtered hazelnut coffee and indulge in some dark chocolate butter truffles!
Posted by: Helen | July 22, 2006 at 08:19 AM