« Knitting the "Knitter's Almanac": Christmas Fiddle-Faddle | Main | The Brown Gallery »

August 26, 2006



Wonderful! I was thinking of knitted Christmas things lately and forgot all about these little knits! Thanks for reminding me.


Those ornaments are so cute; they'd probably look good felted too. :)

It's still too hot here to start thinking about Christmas, but mooncakes have been on sale for a month already!


Those are so beautiful!


There is definitely something to be said for quick, cute little projects like that! I think they're adorable--fiddly, perhaps, but not too faddly.

gina L.

Your ornaments are wonderful. There is something very homey distinctly handmade about them! Great texture!


These are precious! I am going to have to pick up a copy of the Knitter's Almanac.


These are adorable! An excellent quick gift for the holidays.

I've been reading your blog for a couple of months now, and I REALLY enjoy it. The artwork you share is magnificent and has piqued my interest in several new artists. (Well, new to me anyway...) You take such an interesting approach to the idea of a knitblog. Thanks for sharing! :)


I came across your blog in the Librarian Knitters list. Thanks for showing how the tree is made. I can usually picture how a piece is constructed by reading the instructions, but in this case, EZ had me fuddled. BTW, you *must* join the latest Zimmermannalong. We could really use your experience knitting the Almanac. I posted a plug for your blog here: http://zimmermaniacs.blogspot.com/2006/09/more-kudos.html. Cheers!

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