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January 05, 2007



Wow - that is extraordinarily beautiful, thoughtful and well-crafted. What a keepsake! I'm sure it will give your daughter many hours of happiness.


I can see what kept you so busy these last few months! Brava!

Rose Red

I'm really glad you're back blogging - I've missed reading you! This doll's house is absolutely gorgeous - what a fantastic gift for your daughter - and you made it all yourselves, making it even more special.


What fun! It is addicting, isn't it?
Our house is packed in storage until we move but I still will spy the odd little thing and think how it will work in the house. I am coveting the Biedermeier table.


What an amazing dollhouse. You are both very talented. It makes me think of the Beatrix Potter story, Two Bad Mice.


It's all so amazing and delightful! I love the very Victorianess of it all, from the wallpaper to Victoria's picture. What a wonderful present! (I can see how making and adding more little details can be very addictive indeed!)


WOW!! This is so wonderful. What a great job!


You have killed me, you have. I grew up with a miniaturist and have a haphazard collection of exquisite things from years of being dragged to miniature shows, and in a closet somewhere furniture kits and wallpapers and tiny, tiny textiles.

You've given me SUCH a pang of desire to buy a kit and start building.

Wonderful, wonderful job and wonderful gift for your daughter.


This is wonderful. My daughter, Kate and I are planning to build and decorate a doll house and now you have given me all these great links. Thanks.

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