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January 14, 2007



So very lovely - but I would expect no less from such a talented knitter! The color is just beautiful - and I'm amazed that you finished it so quickly! I haven't ventured into knitting lace yet as I've had some special projects to knit. But I'm off to Barnes and Noble to get a copy of this beautiful book! Thanks for continuing to share and inspire!


I really like the simple diagonals and eyelets! The dangling beads add a delightful touch too. Lovely job! :)

Kathryn Estelle

As always, lovely work. I've been enjoying your blog for some time now, and I'm so glad you're back from your hiatus! A question for you: Do you have an idea why your posts don't show up in my Bloglines account? I subscribe to both feeds to no avail. Thankss!


I love the beads! It's perfectly lovely.

And thank you for posting the link to the corrections. I am working on the Cap Shawl right now, and plan to plough through every single thing in the book, so I was glad to get a heads-up to corrections.


I too am a lurker, delighted to see the Bluestocking posting again. The fichu is lovely. Your daughter's doll house is a dream come true.

Rose Red

This is lovely - a gorgeous colour too. I have to get that book!


Lovely! I like the beads on the border. I have the book but haven't knitted anything from it as yet - the choice is rather overwhelming.


Beautiful shawl and color!


Your shawl turned out beautifully. This one is definitely on my shortlist to make out of this book. I really enjoy your attention to detail when you talk about your projects. Thanks so much for sharing!


Just realised today that you've started to blog again. This fichu is lovely, the colour, the edging and the beads. This book is on my wish list, I'm waiting for the bookshop to stock it.


Your Fichu looks so, so pretty.....

Mary Tess

The fichu is beautiful and I love the beading along the edge. How many yards of yarn did it take to complete?


Mary Tess, I got to the end of the second ball not quite halfway through the border, so it took much less than three balls, probably not even two and a quarter.

kelli Ferrigan

quelle merveille! ;-) gorgeous.


a question, hopefully you can help, I am ordering my needles for the spiderweb shawl (full size, crazy me!) but I do not have the book at work, can you tell me what size needles the kidsilk haze option calls for? thanks

Tonna Marroni

I am currently working on the same fichu and wish I had found your link before beginning the border. I am confused about the directions in the border that state, "K border st tbl tog with 1 center section st." I just can't wrap my brain around what this should look like! Am I to knit two stitches together through the back loops(TBL)? Can you help or give me a description so I get it right?
Tonna Marie


Don't panic, Tonna Marie! you are right.

At this point, you will have the main body of the shawl on the long circular needle, and the 7 sts of the border on a short dpn, making a sort of L-shape.

As you work a RS row (from the outside edge of the border towards the main body of the shawl), you will soon come up against the circular needle, and here you will K tbl the last border stitch together with the next available st from the circular needle. This new st will be worked as the first st of the WS row when you turn the work over.

The knitted-on border is a very tidy way of both securing the main body of the shawl and attaching the border without a lumpy seam.

There is a nice tutorial with pictures on Mim's Blog here: http://mimknits.com/wordpress/?p=379


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