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May 17, 2007


Kathryn Estelle

I rarely am faced with "nothing to read." I'm usually overwhelmed with the possibilities!

I'm glad for your feedback on the Potter biography. It was given to me a couple of months ago, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Also, I noticed the Prose book "On [Your] Bookshelf." I was given this book earlier in the week for my birthday. Decisions, decisions.

It was funny that you mentioned the toad house because this morning, as I was looking out at the birdbath, I thought that it was a shame there was so much wasted space under the flower pot. It occurred to me that perhaps my husband could use his ceramic drill bit to make a hole for...you guessed it—a toad house!

Literary Feline

Like Kathryn, my choices usually overwhelm me more than any other reading dilemma. Haha I do agree with you--sometimes you need to do something else. Forcing onself to read takes some of the enjoyment out of it.


Its odd. I used to be a bookworm. If at any point up to about age 30 you'd asked me for a self description "reader" would have topped the list.
But it stopped. Most of the time, I sort of feel vaguely like I have nothing to read, even with my house full of books.
I read. I enjoy reading still. I still get lost in a book, I still can be seduced by the magic of a full bookcase. But I never finish things, I never have that pull to fill my head with words.
I miss it, you know? But I just don't feel it the same way.


My book buying habits (like my yarn buying habits - stock up when flush with funds since you never know when 'famine' might strike), have left me with a bunch of books just waiting to be read. So when I'm faced with the "nothing to read" dilemma, it's usually due to having just finished a book that's still occupying my head. When this happens, I'll read other things like short nonfiction or magazine articles. I find the same sort of thing happens when I finish certain knitting projects, and I can't decide what to knit next.

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