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May 14, 2007



What a lovely project! Surely you can find some cheaper yarn for this pretty dress. :)

Mary Tess

Perhaps Sonata from Elann.com will work; the suggested needle size is a 6, the same used in the dress you linked to, and the price and color selection are wonderful.


Rose Red

It is a pretty dress. Maybe the ASC? Could you perhaps shorten the sleeves a bit? That might make it a bit more warm weather friendly.


I love your blog and read it everyday. I think I'm especially drawn to it because of its range and reach. As an obsessive knitter, I enjoy reading about your projects and progress. As an English teacher and writer, I look forward to your insights about your own reading. As a musician and lover of art history, I am drawn to the entries that touch on these. Keep up the good work! Yours is one of the best written blogs I've found.


That is a glorious little project. I wonder if a cotton linen blend would work. The drape might be kind of fun and it would be a lot lighter. Or, if you were really into small stitches, adjust the pattern to a fingering or sport weight cotton or cotton/wool blend.


I knitted this out of good old Bernat CottonTots. For the trim portions I used a fluffy yarn from Hobby Lobby. One of those Yarn Bee ones.

Here's a picture for you.

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