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July 19, 2007



I am planning on reading Deathly Hallows, in fact, I really hope to be done with it 48 hours from now. I have two copies on order, a regular edition that will be picked up at the bookstore shortly after the midnight hour (with 4 kids 10 years old, 11 turning 12 the magical day, 15 and 16), and a deluxe version to be delivered in the mail.

As for dressing up, I really don't need to, I was mistaken for Molly at a HBP release party, and that was prior to knitting. Oh, I had a cape with me, but that was it, I was not dressed up otherwise. (Those two little girls were so cute, they were SURE Molly Weasley was at their bookstore!)

I was also sorted into Ravenclaw, but it was really close with Gryffindor (86 for Ravenclaw, 85 for Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff, was in the 80's as well.) I guess I am just one of those 'not Slytherin' folks.

Do I think Harry will survive? I certainly hope so, but understand if he does not. I know JKR has stated two will die, I personally do not believe Hagrid will survive the series, but I don't know who else. I really don't want any of my favorites to die. I could live with Bellatrix or Malfoy Sr meeting a grim end.

(Not that I have any thoughts or opinions on this particular release, mind you.)


I don't necessarily think these are the best-written books ever . . . they're not THAT good . . . but she's got a winning creation there of a good story, a great world, and a whole lot of creativity that just makes it a fun place to visit . . . I cannot wait to see how she ends the whole thing!

Rose Red

I'm in Ravenclaw too! Like Deb, I don't think they are the best written books ever, but they are a great read. Our release time in Australia is 9.01am Saturday - but I probably won't get the book until Sunday (oh the agony of the wait!)


I actually won't read it, at least right away. I've never gotten into the HP series. I think that is what makes us all so wonderfully unique, different books/series are what make us all tick well together. Now, before the Stephen King Gunslinger Series (Dark Tower) was complete, I'd do just about anything to read those and for the finale---- I was crazy for it. Knowing about the love of the series I will be hoping that all HP fans have a satisfying, happy, glorious read of it!


I read a lot of children's literature - I tutor English literature at a middle school level and have a small girl - and I have to admit to loving the HP books - I feel thrilled that Harry Potter arrived on the book scene when it did and find JKR's writing witty, well structured and compelling. Her dialogue is especially good and I particularly like her names for people and spells - leads into all sorts of discussions with students about word origins etc. And compared to much of what is pitched to children, particularly in the fantasy genre, JKR's work is very rich in detail, character and storyline. I love how the characters have grown up - as a child I loved Enid Blyton's boarding school books - but the characters remained the same from Form 1 through to the Upper 6th!

I enjoyed 1 and 2 (read number two until 3am when I was working an overnight!). Three and Four are good but Five is fantastic. I felt that every paragraph had been meticulously written and re-written with the side story-lines well explored and resolved and the theme of the corruption of authority by fear superb. I loved how JKR destabilised the Ministry - just because they are in charge, doesn't mean they're making good decisions or even telling the truth. Harry really began unravelling in this instalment - and his friendships lost their predictability and ease - which is just what happens for so many teenagers at this stage.

My daughter and I have been frantically re-reading the first 6 and dissecting every possible clue before the big day - and tomorrow we shall attend a breakfast party at our favourite bookshop in costume. Abby is dressing up as Luna Lovegood and I am dressing up as Professor Trelawney - I've made most of Abby's costume but discovered that with the right combination, my everyday clothes would look just right for Prof. Trelawney - eek!

We have ordered two copies - and Abby tells me we will sit at each end of the sofa and Dad will wait on us all weekend with milk, tea, chocolate and for dinner - chicken burgers and chips - sounds like a plan to me!

Enjoy your reading - I'm on tenterhooks waiting to start! :)


I'm a true fan as well. In fact, I've been having a countdown celebration all week over at my blog. We've been reviewing the last six books and I've been giving away mini Weasley sweaters I've been knitting. Can't wait until midnight!


Heh, I got Ravenclaw too. :) I'm going to patiently wait one of the many copies among my friends become available in a week or so. I do enjoy reading them but I agree, I still have trouble understanding the obsession (though the books have much improved in writing from the first two) since the fantasy and story themes are not novel and there are much better written children's fantasy out there (Diana Wynn Jones and Robin Mckinley both come to mind). But, with that said, I will still be happy to hunkering down with the new book when it get to my hands. Harry does tend to grow on one. :) And it's nice to see all the world so excited about a BOOK for once. :)


Oooh, I just finished reading, but I promise not to tell any secrets. Took me 7 hours, because I just devour books. Really yummy read!

Mary Tess

I haven't read any of the books but I've listened to the first 6 on CD, read by Jim Dale. He does a spectacular job, with different voices for each character. The stories come alive in a way that they don't when I just try to read them. And I can knit while I listen--an added bonus. I highly recommend them. My library still doesn't have the CDs on order so I'm reading Deathly Hallows. It's not as fun as listening but I'm too impatient to wait for the CDs.


Oh thank heavens for Harry Potter and the estemmable JK, they are the only thing that will shut the daughter up right now - now she is 12 she is crankier than ever (funny but wearing after a 3 hour car journey home from the holiday). I think they are the equivalent of the Laura Ingalls Wilder books in that my kids have lived them and they have a real existence that many books don't. JK for sainthood, thats my opinion as she has probably helped many a parent cope with the summer holidays.


I'm in Gyffindor. I admit I have demolished the book already (no spoilers!) I didn't mean to read it so fast but the story flowed really well and I couldn't put it down. My 15 year old is reading it now and says the same thing. Funny, I bought him the first book for summer vacation reading when it first was published but well before Potter mania. It was recommended for his age group. I still remember laying in the top bunk of a rental cottage, reading the first chapter aloud and explaining the British terms to him. He really did grow up with Harry.


You are like my husband, slowly following my daughter and me as we rushed into HP release madness. He hasn't read book six yet, so he won't let us discuss the final one in front of him.

I've never thought they were the best literature, but they are superb stories - engaging, dramatic, funny, surprising and compelling. You keep reading because you need to know what happens - you care.

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