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August 30, 2007



Both of your recent sock efforts are lovely.

And what a wonderful mommy you are!

Rose Red

Oh 41C, that's hot hot HOT! No wonder our winter is so mild (it is going to be 26C here in Sydney today!).

So glad that Julia's first day went well - no doubt helped by having her big sister there too (and of course, her mum!)

Those socks are lovely too.


They're beautiful.


Get well from that dratted flu soon - bad timing in the middle of a heat waves, sheesh.
Our baby has just started high school (12 years old how does it happen all over a sudden). The socks are lovely (colour is fabulous and the pattern is really pretty) but WILL wait until you are better, now you go look after yourself.


sweet-- funny thing: i bought the French version of 'the kissing hand' for benjamin, just a couple of weeks before his first day of kindergarten this year!!


The socks will be lovingly worn whenever they make it off the needles, good on ya' Mom. I've been tearing up a lot the past couple of weeks. As I walk home from the park I pass groups of little ones going off to school, their new clothes and freshly brushed hair, their brand spankin' new backpacks and their expectant faces. That look is counterbalanced by their Mothers' sorrowful expression, almost panic in some cases. It takes me back it does, all the way back to when my children went off to school, but most especially when the baby left. She is 22 now but I still get misty when I think of her early days at school.


First days are always hard!
If it's that hot she didn't need socks right away anyway. Mine went to school in flip flops and brought her gym shoes.
Take care of yourself.

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