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May 04, 2010


mary lou

I have never even heard of DE Stevenson, must look at my library. Reading the Secret Life of the Grown Up Brain at the moment. Quite heartening. Now where did I put it....



If you want a great Arctic explorer bio, try Roland Huntford's bio of Fritjof Nansen...my grown up brain doesn't have the title at hand but the author should help you find it...it should contrast to the Amundsen bio that you found lacking. Too bad as he is such a hero to the Norwegians, as in Nansen.

While on the subject of books about cold places, I also really loved Peter Freuchen's autobio called "My Life in the Frozen North" about surviving in Greenland, and adventures with Knud Rasmussen.


Dulce Domum

I've just finsihed reading "Amberwell". I was surprised to see it so prominently on your blog!

I enjoyed it very much. There's a whole genre of post-war, state of the nation, which I enjoy very much.

If you like this kind of writing too, try "A Requiem for a Wren" by Neville Shoot. A beautiful book.

Also, have you read Sarah Waters "The Little Stranger"? She immersed herself in post-war women's fiction and got the "austerity" tone just right.

PS. I did get the feeling though, that "Amberwell" was Stevenson "doing" Goodge!

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