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January 11, 2013


Mary Lou

Fun analysis. But 000 needles? Yikes!


Oddly enough, it wasn't the needles that felt freakishly small, but the wool!



I just love these !! Would you be able to share the colors of the Appleton wool you used and the amounts needed? Thanks, Linda


Linda, I used the seven shades of Appleton's Crewel Wool listed in the Piecework pattern -- 4 skeins of #757 and 1 skein each of #756, #755, #754, #753, #752, and #751, all increasingly lighter shades of "Rose Pink". Beware, as I said, that the 751 *might* not be quite enough.

Sorry that I could not reply to you directly, but you didn't leave an e-mail address.


Hi Jeanne,

Thank you so much for getting back with info, very appreciated. I just found out that Appleton wool is also available in hanks which is a larger amount than skeins, so you don't have to keep on adding the wool while you are knitting. Thought I would share that info with you for future reference. Sorry I did not add my email, here it is [email protected] . Thanks again, can't wait to make these cuties !! Best, Linda

Katherine Shaughnessy

I love these. So beautiful! I just might have to put aside my embroidery and get out my knitting needles.
-Katherine, www.woolandhoop.com


I have shared your photo on my blog with a link to your post and a note that the photo belongs to you. Those are absolutely lovely!


Sorry, that is at www.naturewithme.blogspot.com


Hi Jeanne,

Well, I finally finished one muffatee, ready to tackle the other. I just love them. Thank you again for sharing the colors and the heads up on the lightest color. I did order two skeins, one is not enough. Could you please tell me how you blocked them, did you do a wet block ? I really appreciate you being so helpful.


Linda, I'm glad you like them -- I wish I could take more of the credit!

I blocked them one at a time over a sake bottle, which had a long narrow neck, unlike the spice jar recommended in the Piecework pattern, which seemed to stretch it out sideways a bit much. I did wash them gently first, hoping that the wool would soften a bit, which it did though only slightly.


I have admired this project so many times - it is just delightful. Thanks for sharing and it might amuse you to know that I have become totally hooked on knitting with crewel wool because of your post. Ok it is a bit tricky at first and prone to splitting but the gorgeous slightly dusty colours fuel the imagination.

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