Spring is not quite here yet, not even in Southern California, but we are alreading thinking about it. These are "Mary Rose," "Sharifa Asma," and "Commandant Beaurepaire". I have hankered after "Mary Rose" unreservedly for some years, dreaming of its lovely rose-pink petals and "delicious fragrance of Old Rose character, with a hint of honey and almond blossom". "Sharifa Asma" was I confess a rather impulsive buy, as the photos are gorgeous but it can be rather sensitive, I hear -- we'll see. I was utterly charmed by some photographs I saw recently of "Commandant Beaurepaire," an old Bourbon rose -- I had rather wanted "Rosa mundi" but could not find it to hand, and I had left it late in the season to order -- but I have great hopes.
I do not expect particularly much from this,
which I bought at Tuesday Morning yesterday for $6.99 (marked down from $14). It is Wisdom Yarns' Marathon Socks Seattle, in "Seattle Fifth". Not my usual colors, but it seemed to suit my mood of hopeful expectancy, in this burst of spring-like weather.
A little madness in the Spring
Is wholesome even for the King,
But God be with the Clown --
Who ponders this tremendous scene --
This whole Experiment of Green --
As if it were his own!
Emily Dickinson
We have had such cold weather with little or no snow cover that I fear even for my Canadian Explorere roses.
Posted by: marylou | January 26, 2013 at 06:44 AM