I am suffering at the moment from a recurrent bout of DKS -- Distracted Knitter Syndrome. As with malaria, the knitter with DKS can be distraction-free for months, even years at a time, and then without warning, and with other projects already on the needles, she casts on for a new project.
This is the Hidden Gusset mitt by Mone Dräger, from the latest issue of Knitty. I recently recycled a skein of Collinette's Jitterbug in "Velvet Plum", a truly gorgeous color that for some time has been a pair of Jaywalker socks just too big to wear comfortably. I let them sit in the back of my sock yarn drawer, then not long ago put my hand on them while searching for something else, and thought, "gosh, that yarn is pretty!" and that because they felted noticeably in just the two or three times I wore the socks, mitts would be a better idea than my original plan of a smaller pair of Jaywalkers.
I confess I've had some trouble with this pattern, but maybe it's just me. It's been unpleasantly hot for most of the summer, and added to that things have been a little chaotic what with the girls both being in new-to-them schools this year, and the new schedules for both -- so, yeah, I haven't been the sharpest knife in the box lately. I couldn't quite understand the three-markers bit, so I've just moved the offending stitch over to the fourth needle and start my rounds on the first one as usual. I also thought that the increases looked a little muddy, so I redid mine with a simple M1L and M1R -- this didn't work quite as well as I had hoped, but there it is. The color is still gorgeous!
Hmmm this is the third pair of these I've seen in a week. I may have to test that pattern out. I just might have some sock yarn in my stash. I made Jaywalkers once and I realized they were too small before I got to the foot, so I ripped them out and never tried again. I'm more of a plain vanilla sock girl, I guess.
Posted by: marylou | August 28, 2014 at 05:01 AM