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May 25, 2015


Susan D

thanks for sharing. I have TWO old jugs on my kitchen shelf depicting women in Welsh national dress (but not knitting). Because Grandma was born in Merthyr Tydfil

Mary Lou

Interesting. I especially like the expression on the face of the woman holding the basket.


When I was at Infant's school we had to dress up every March 1st (Saint David's Day) in traditional dress, those stovepipe hats were very difficult to keep on our heads. In the 1940s and 50s women mostly made their own clothes and fashion was not something to be striven for, clean and decent clothing was the aim. Having said that though, forearms were always bare and shoulders were covered by a shawl, the front ends of which were always tucked in at the waist, especially if there was a baby to be carried.


Thank you! I loved my trip to Wales and hope that you can visit sometime! My guess is that you are correct re: the stockings which were a major cottage industry. I was lucky to see William Dyce's painting "Welsh Landscape with Two Women Knitting" at the National Museum in Cardiff while I was there :
. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:William_Dyce,_Welsh_Landscape_with_Two_Women_Knitting,_1860._Photo-_Amgueddfa_Cymru,_National_Museum_Wales..jpg


My mom, who was from the Rhondda Valley, used to tell us that when she was little, they would all watch for grandma when she was coming over and she would come over the hill on her horse, sitting side saddle and knitting as she rode along! I dream of being that accomplished!

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