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July 04, 2015


Mary Lou

Adorable. I'm going to Chicago in a few weeks to meet my sisters. I think we should go to the dollhouse Fairy Castle. They've never seen it, and it has been recently restored I hear. I'll see if they have any bathmats.

Regina Sanchez

I am trying to make this mat. I am not an experienced knitter but I can usually figure it out. I am really having a hard time with understanding the increasing of the corners. Is there a term for this type of corner so that I can find a tutorial?
This is the part I do not understand:

Rnd 2: *M1, knit to marker, m1, slip marker, (sm), k1, sm, repeat from*

Where does this start?
Any help would be appreciated.


Regina Sanchez

Thank you.


Regina, I don’t know that I’ve ever seen it called anything, but probably mitered corner?!

It’s easier to actually do than try to visualize. I don’t have the pattern in front of me at the moment, but I think I remember how she did it. Once you’ve done your set-up round, you should have two markers at each corner, with a single stitch between each pair. Starting at, say the lower left corner (LL) – this LL pair of markers being the end of the round – work your first M1 (which will be outside the pair of markers), then K across the side of the mat to the next corner (LR) to the first of the two markers. M1, slip the first marker, K the corner st, slip the second marker, M1. Then K up the next side of the mat to the corner (UR), M1, slip the first marker, K the corner st, slip the second marker, M1, etc.

I always seem to think of this as starting with the long side, then the pair of increases, side, pair of increases, and so on, so that I’d “end” the round with a pair of increases, but Clark has you start with one of the pair, then work your way around and finish with the second of the (first) pair. Think of it whichever way is easiest for you! There is a lot of border on this mat, so you’ll have plenty of time to decide.

What you are doing is keeping the corner st (the one between the markers) intact and making your 2 corner increases on either side of it. Some patterns have you use just one marker – it doesn’t really matter as long as you be sure to keep the M1, K1, M1 maneuver in exactly the same place. It’s a little difficult to see this as you work it in this pattern, since the center st is garter – some patterns would have it in stockinette, which makes it more obvious, as does using a yarn-over for the increase, because then there is a nice lacy hole on either side of the corner st. I think Clark wanted a more solid appearance here, so she chose the garter/M1 method. The nice thing about using garter is that if you get off a stitch, the mat will still lie flat, and your mistake won’t be quite as apparent as it would if you’d done the corner in stockinette – this happened to me, as I was using only 1 marker and I guess I dozed off about halfway along, and one of my corners is off by one stitch!

(You are in fact making an isosceles trapezoid/trapezium on each side of the center rectangle,


with the angle of the legs at 45 deg.)

Hope this helps!

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