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August 21, 2016



I have never seen any Miss Marple, film or TV, but I do recall knitting those scarves; I must have been about seven or eight years old at the time. I think I have always had needles in my hands.

Susan D

Oh goodness,I just came across this lovely knitting in the movies series this morning, while gobbling down breakfast before packing for my trip to B.C.(which always takes all day) so I don't have time to make all kinds of knitty responses. Perhaps later.


Mary Lou

I have an old knitting pamphlet with that scarf in it. I will get to it one of these days. I didn't care for Margaret Rutherford's Marple. She seemed a bit to gung ho and horsey-set. I think I like Julia McKenzie best. Great series of posts.

Denise Salsbury

Agatha Christie herself chose Joan Dixon to portray Miss Marple. I have watched all versions on movies and television. MS Dixon will always be the PERFECT actor as Miss Marple to me!

Susan Clark

Please help, I am looking for the list of all the things Miss Marple knit in the shows. I know there is one where she is knitting something pink where she describes who it is for and what it is...
Thank you for your help.

Jane - for Dame Rutherford

So sorry to have come across this blog and comments, whilst seeking reference to Dame Margaret Rutherford's scarves worn in her indomitable role as Miss Jane Marple.

To write about her without viewing her fine movies, portrayal, and knitting, is akin to writing about tea without ever having tasted it.

And to Mary Lou who "didn't care for Margaret Rutherford's Marple. She seemed a bit to gung ho and horsey-set." An appalling comment, akin to a scarf completely made of slipped stiches.


Dear Jane,

I am a little surprised that you condemn not only my post but my whole blog for writing about Dame Margaret as Miss Marple, when I freely admitted that I haven’t seen her Marple roles and therefore could make no editorial comments about her performance, only about the few knitting-related photos I could find on the internet. Would you rather that I had simply made something up?

As for Mary Lou’s comment, she HAS in fact seen the Rutherford Marples and not cared for them, and expressed her opinion in a calm and gentle manner. I see no reason for you to be unkind. À chacun son goût, as the French say.

Anna Nikipirowicz

I’m a huge fan of Miss Marple and was very luck to knit some of the her knitting. My sleeves in burgundy can be seen in ‘Greenshaw Folly’ episode with Julie McKenzie

Ana Popotnig

Margareth Rutherford does knit in Miss Marple - I distinctly remember the scene quite at the beginning of Murder Most Foul where she knits while being on the jury in a murder case

Linda krisologo

Love the pink bed shawl , Joan Hicks did it was so lovely, Joan was my favorite miss. Marble, loved watching her knit


What happened to all the things that were knitted by all the actresses who played Miss Marple? I'm curious to know. Thank you.


Theresa, I suppose they kept them, or perhaps gave them to a member of the crew?!

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