I finished the Big Bad Baby Blanket the other day -- finally! This is two skeins in the Jade colorway of Blue Moon's Gaea fingering weight, which according to my numerous calculations and recalculations -- the increasingly-desperate later ones on the fly -- would make a blanket about 45" square. When I cast off, it measured 42" across and 39" high, but blocked, without my really intending it to, to just about 45" x 45" (114 cm). I added 36 sts to the original number cast on, and also used a crochet cast-on, slip-stitch edge, and K1, P1 cast-off so that the edge is uniform all of the way around.
The pattern is of course by Lisa Shobhana Mason, and is in the first Stitch 'n Bitch book (2004).
The Gaea is very pleasant to knit with, though only in a few salient characteristics such as gauge is it much like the pattern's original Koigu KPPPM. The Koigu is dense and solid, where the Gaea is almost fluffy, quite cloud-like in comparison. This I think will make a much lighter throw than would eight skeins of Koigu, so that is an added benefit in addition to the noticeable savings in price. I'm a little disappointed in the color I chose, expecting from the name something like jade, where what I got is realistically more of a celery, but there it is. I hope the recipients will enjoy it, and congratulations on their new home!
Five grams left!
That blanket done with koigu doubled is dense and heavy. This looks lovely.
Posted by: Mary Lou Egan | March 15, 2017 at 07:15 AM
At last, it is finished. I wonder what will be next?
Posted by: Toffeeapple | March 18, 2017 at 10:57 AM