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August 13, 2018



What?! There are DE Stevenson books that I don't know about!?

Off to discover more about this omission...

Oh, and the cardigan at the bottom is my favourite.

Susan D

Yes, Hester Christie is delightful. I like how you refer to Tim as "occasionally obstuse." Perfect description.

Jerri Chase

I think it is fair for you to think of Mrs. Tim of the Regiment as DES's first novel. Her actual first novel, Peter West, published in 1923, is so very non-typical of her work. And during the gap of 9 years or so between that true first novel and Mrs. Tim of the Regiment (the Jan through May portions) being published by Jonathan Cape in 1932, DES matured and developed a lot. For a number of years, after the death of her eldest daughter in 1928, she stopped writing completely, and Mrs Tim of the Regiment was the work that broke that writing drought. Then the June portion of the novel was published in 1934 by Herbert Jenkins using the title Golden Days, after their publication of Miss Buncle's Book, but I am not sure which was actually written first. Finally, with WWII in view, the two books were published in one combined volume by Collins in the UK and by Farrar in the US. It is this combined volume that most people have read. It has been published using several titles: Mrs. Tim of the Regiment, Mrs. Tim and Mrs. Tim Christie.


Jerri, clearly I am not the only one who thinks of Mrs. Tim as DES’s “eldest”!


I loved it! I got the Bloomsbury edition which looked as if it had never been read and, joy of joys, large print! Never having even looked at large print before, this was a revelation but I had, after finishing, to go back to a very small typeface which makes me squint. Thanks again for the recommendation.

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