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November 13, 2018



"Totally barking" is the usual phrase for 'completely mad' nowadays. I have not seen the programme but have read "My Family and other Animals" many times and have been irritated by some of the members more than I can say. It is, however, a funny read for the most part. And the British can be awful, even now, when staying in another country.

That first sweater is a direct copy of the Marion Foale! I felt that the sleeve attachment was rather later than '30s, we always had Raglan or fitted sleeves when I was a child. There was another - saddle sleeve perhaps? Quite complicated and used for menswear I think.

Mary Lou Egan

Now I must watch this.

Emily Morris

My mother knitted the mustard coloured jumper you mentioned. She is 76 and knitting is her hobby and all done by hand. Charlotte Holdich who did the costumes for the Durrels is a family friend and asked her to make it for the series. She will be really pleased that you noticed it.


Emily, thank you so very much for commenting! Being a knitter, of course I usually notice the knitted things in movies and television – hence the post! – but that jumper caught my eye especially, partly because I’m fascinated by the clothes of that period, and partly because I’m so familiar with the Marion Foale jumper I mentioned that inspired (or imitated) it. How delightful to know for sure that a real person knitted it! Of course a “real” person knitted it, but now she is more real to me.


Emily, if you ever read this again… did your mother knit the other one too, the striped shirt sleeved one? If so I would love to know what pattern she used! It’s so very charming.

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