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January 27, 2019


Paula Fletcher

I think it's great. You KNOW she loves your knitted things. I knit for family and never hear from them again. Now I only knit for my Mom and my sister because they appreciate what I make.


Oops, you really fell into that one didn't you?

I am so far behind in reading blogs because a new laptop happened here but it won't transfer my email provider and all its emails...

Will try to catch up with your earlier posts but hope for forgiveness if I don't.

Berva Smith

Not quite as I remember it! The alpaca was leftover from a jacket/sweater I did make . . . and I really thought you could use it for something of yours, but once you asked if I'd like for you to make the stole, well . . .

Guess I'm showing my age as a few years ago I would have been determined to take on the challenge of that really, really complicated pattern. I love you for offering to make it.

juliet brown

Ohhh dear, you were got - pure and simple. The daughter was angling for a jersey over Christmas, she was wanting a black one "like one she had seen in the shop" it would have cost at least twice the price to knit something to then lie on her floor until it was boiled alive in a nuclear-heat wash and never seen again. I am officially "looking for the right yarn, sweetie" meaning basically "nope, not knitting that" anytime soon, however she has a way of getting what she wants does our little monster child

Mary Lou Egan

Ha ha - Mom got you! Life has been a bit time consuming here, hope to keep up with blog reading now. Maybe even writing...

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