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December 23, 2019


Dawn in NL

Merry Christmas and all the very best for 2020! Enjoy this year's more restful Christmas Eve service.

Susan D

Well, I love singing Messiah, and every year a group of singy friends and I take part in the Singalong Messiah in Toronto. With the wonderful Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra and Chamber Choir. Conducted by Herr Handel himself. Always a joy.


I didn't know that you sing! I envy you that ability, I can merely croak.

I wish you and your family a marvellous Christmas and New Year - and here's to a stress free 2020!


oooo, I have never heard of The Repair Shop, it sounds like it has potential!



Ceci, it’s quiet and low-key, just people fixing old things, but the items are the owners’ treasures, and they tell a bit about the reason the things are important to them, which is nice, and the Repair Shop craftspeople are knowledgeable and able to explain things, and they clearly love what they’re doing, which makes it interesting. And even though sometimes I question the extent of the cleaning and rehabilitation of some items -- especially furniture, as of course if you have watched much "Antiques Roadshow" you know that you aren’t supposed to remove the years of varnish and patina! -- I understand the emotional value to the owner of having a family heirloom rejuvenated, as it were. I often wish the episodes were longer, actually!

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