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April 06, 2020



These are great. I'm sure they'd put a smile on anyone's face.


I like the Kindness and Confetti one.

Elizabeth Thurgood

Hi Having lunch and reading the Saturday Age. Not quite the New York Times. But it’s Melbourne based and I live in country Victoria.
There is an article about Frances Glessner Lee a miniaturist who created a series of 18 miniature rooms where a death had happened... complete with corpse. Made in the 1940s they were stored in the back room of the Baltimore OCME office.
I am sending this information because it’s an Australian publisher even though an American subject.
Author Bruce goldfarb title 18 tiny deaths publisher Hachette Australia.
I could send 4 photos from the article but am not sure how at this stage

Is this new to you? I have seen no mention of it in the last 5 years of your blog. Since I discovered it I am reading a page a day. I skim the knitting and devour the rest. Thanks Elizabeth

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