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April 01, 2020



So much to love about the Froth sampler, I can't decide if the oak leaves and acorns are my favorite, or the butterflies!



Everything about the froth sampler is lovely. Can I ask what fabric you stitched it on?


Ellen, I knew I should have written it down in a safer place! If I remember correctly, it is 28-count Zweigart linen, in their “platinum” color. The owner of the needlework shop I went to recommended it, both the brand and the color. I confess I’m used to the “inexpensive” craft-store linens, and it was really a treat to stitch on the Zweigart, very smooth and even.

I mean to write a wrap-up post about the piece when I manage to get it framed, but I should say that the original colors for the chart are almost all at least two shades brighter than what I ended up using! and I blended the two adjacent shades of each color except the navy blue outlining.


Thank you! I really like the look of the linen compared to Aida. I haven't done any cross stitch for years, but tempted to pick it up again as a more peaceful craft in these strange times.

David M Beach

saw the title and thought perhaps you were stitching masks... ;-)

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