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April 14, 2020



I enjoyed this post, with the many steps towards completing your shops. Your honesty regarding setbacks was refreshing, and dare I say, encouraging.
I particularly liked the chimney pots. I can imagine that it is sometimes difficult to suppress the dedire for perfection. Defects, smudges, cracks etc are necessary to reflect the age of the shops and house. The soot is a delightful addition.
Keep safe!

juliet brown

Wow your patience! And such skill, love the colours and where you see bubbles or imperfections I see how it probably looks after a few years on the high street. Funnily enough I was thinking about you and your little houses etc the other night as I am knitting little houses as a cushion (Ravelry - Copenhagen - its a blanket but I am settling for smaller), in some ways it is very exciting building my small town of houses - even Gravel-guy is getting opinionated about colours (pfft he can learn to knit his own). Anyway once your tea shop as the menu up I am reading for moving in - I'm very partial to a good cup of tea (Darjeeling please) and toasted teacake (thank you).

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