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November 20, 2022



How exciting, another Swallows and Amazons fan! I tried to get my siblings interested in them when I started my first re-reading as an adult in '20 - brother who is a sailor opined learnedly on the various sailing techniques and their validity (almost all very solid according to him) and my sister was horrified at the lax parenting. So I didn't really find a fellow fan close to home!


juliet brown

Ahhhhh Swallows and Amazons - set in the lovely Lake District near where I live (Carlisle UK), I think it is a combination of Windermere and Coniston, a very lovely part of the world :) As for the slow progress of things - I wonder if this is a collective thing, I feel like I am wading through syrup to achieve nothing much, I'm really not very impressed with myself. I cant seem to settle to any specific project and almost everything cast on gets cast off before Ive even managed a few rows.

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