Progress as of today. The colors seem very vivid to me, after a string of "faded" samplers! The little blue splodge behind Young Mr. Wisdom's head is the beginnings of a bird, but I think I might change the colors to browns, as with the two blue birds right there at the sides that is a lot of blue birds in a row, it seems to me.
Just finished re-reading Coot Club,
the fifth book in the "Swallows and Amazons" series. Wonderful comfort reading! The picture is I guess a publicity photo from the 1984 film, which actually isn't bad -- that sounds a bit snarky, but one never knows with films of favorite books. The children aren't quite what I'd pictured in my mind, especially Dorothea and Tom, and I don't think that either of the films I've seen (this and the 2016 "Swallows and Amazons") really capture the intelligence and sensibility of the children*, but I'm impressed that they found actual twins for Port and Starboard! And at least this one didn't feel the need to invent silly subplots involving Russian spies (for heaven's sake).
*Poor Susan! I can never think without shuddering of how the 2016 version of "Swallows and Amazons" both let Susan get whacked on the head by the boom when John takes "Swallow" about and turned her into a squealing sissy when faced with the prospect of gutting a fish.
I've just started reading C.K. Chau's modern re-telling of Pride and Prejudice,
now titled Good Fortune and set in New York's Chinatown. There was a very good review of it in the Los Angeles Times not long ago, and then only a week or so later there was an article by Chau on LitHub about setting and society in Austen's novel. It was heartening to read Chau's thoughts, which make it obvious that she thoroughly respects the original novel, so that I felt it much more likely that she wouldn't change characters' motivations or personalities so much that they conflict with Austen's plot (cough -- 2022 "Persuasion"! -- cough).