Here are some of the things I've been doing lately --
Crocheted dishcloths for Julia, off to university at last and living with three roommates in an apartment on the edge of campus, cooking and cleaning for themselves. Above are the Berry Stitch cloth (without its edging), the Waffle Stitch cloth (potentially useful as a trivet, I suspect, it's so thick!), and a returning favorite, the Spiral Double Crochet cloth.
I'm quite pleased with these, actually -- a pair of potholders (also for Julia) to the 1960s "Pinwheel Potholder" pattern from Free Vintage Crochet. Because I thought it would be fun, one side is solid and the other variegated. I had to add another round to get the recommended dimension on the variegated side, as apparently the two Sugar 'n Cream colorways are not quite the same weight (!) -- and then fudge the edging that stitches them together -- but this was not difficult. I'm highly amused at the plainness of the solid pink with the surprise of the variegated colors when you turn them over -- simple pleasures!
And a set of table napkins in a fabric selected by herself from the deep-sale bin at Hancock's of Paducah --
This one is to replace a decrepit one at home -- it is actually a face scrubbie pattern, but eh, I'm using it as a dish cloth! I like ones with a good amount of texture to them, which the front-post DCs certainly give. (My phone camera, by the way, seems entirely content with the color balance and saturation of fabrics, but gets a bit manic when confronted with kitchen cotton. None of these is particularly accurate -- though the blue-and-white one is probably the closest.)
And the current state of my "Quaker Sampling III" -- nearly there!
every time I see your stuff I think.. I need to get a hobby. Those are pretty awesome. Hope all is good with you and yours..
Posted by: David | October 09, 2024 at 10:02 PM
Wow, this post gave me a new book series to read (I've placed the first book on hold through my town library) and a quick and useful crochet pattern. Thank you!
Posted by: Tricia | November 27, 2024 at 09:37 AM