A girl's ankle sock with a lace cuff. The lace edging is worked first, then turned sideways and stitches picked up for the ankle and foot.
To fit sizes Girl's S (M, L). Finished foot circumference: approximately 5 1/2 in. /14 cm (6 1/2 in. /16.5 cm, 7 1/2 in. /19 cm). Finished foot length: approximately 5 3/4 in. /14.5 cm (7 in. /18 cm, 8 1/4 in. /21 cm).
1 skein Cherry Tree Hill Supersock Solid 100% superwash merino (370 yds per 4 oz skein).
1 set of 4 or 5 size US 1 / 2.25 mm double-pointed needles, or size needed for correct gauge.
Stitch markers.
Tapestry needle.
32 sts per 4 in. / 10 cm on US 1 / 2.25 mm needles over stockinette stitch worked in the round.
Cuff and Leg
Cast on 12 sts, leaving a 10 in. / 25 cm tail. Work lace patt back and forth as follows:
Row 1 (RS): K4, yo, sl1 k-wise, K2tog, psso, yo, K3, yo, K2.
Row 2: K4, (K1, P1, K1, P1, K1, P1) all into next st, P2, K6.
Row 3: K4, yo, sl1 k-wise, K1, psso, K2tog, cast off 5 sts, K3, yo, k2.
Row 4: K5, yo, K1, P1, K6.
Row 5: K4, yo, sl1 k-wise, K2tog, psso, yo, K2.
Row 6: K6, (K1, P1, K1, P1, K1, P1) all into next st, P2, K6.
Row 7: K4, yo, sl1 k-wise, K1, psso, K2tog, cast off 5 sts, K3, yo, K2tog, yo, K2.
Row 8: Cast off 4 sts, K2, yo, K1, P1, K6.
Rep these 8 rows 9 (10, 12) times altogether. Cut yarn and place all sts on a holder to be grafted later. Turn lace piece so that garter edging becomes the top and points are at the bottom. On WS, pick up and K 44 (52, 60) sts evenly along ridge formed between bottom of faggoting and top of bobbles. Arrange sts evenly on 3 or 4 dpns. Place marker at beginning and join for working in the round.
Work in st st until piece measures 2 in. from top edge of lace.
K across 11 (13, 15) sts, turn, and P back across 22 (26, 30) sts. Hold remaining sts on 2 or 3 needles to be worked later for instep.
Heel flap
Work back and forth on heel sts as follows:
Row 1 (RS): *Sl 1 pwise wyib, K1, repeat from * to end.
Row 2: Sl 1 pwise wyif, p to end.
Rep rows 1 and 2 until 22 (26, 30) rows have been worked. There will be 11 (13, 15) chain selvedge sts.
Turn heel
Row 1: K 13 (15, 17), ssk, K1, turn.
Row 2: Sl 1 pwise, P5, P2tog, P1, turn.
Row 3: Sl 1 pwise, K to 1 st before gap, ssk (1 st from each side of gap), K1, turn.
Row 4: Sl 1 pwise, P to 1 st before gap, P2tog (1 st from each side of gap), P1, turn.
Repeat rows 3 and 4 until all heel sts have been worked, ending with a WS row. 14 (16, 18) sts remaining.
Heel gusset
K across all heel sts, pick up and K 11 (13, 15) sts along selvedge edge of heel flap; place marker ("right marker"); work across instep sts from st holder; place marker ("left marker"); pick up and K 11 (13, 15) sts along other side of heel, and K across half of heel sts. 58 (68, 78) sts, with 3 markers in place.
Distribute sts evenly on needles as for leg. Beg next round at center back heel.
Rnd 1: K to last 3 sts before right marker, K2tog, K1; K to last 3 sts before left marker; K1, SSK, K to end. (2 gusset sts decreased)
Rnd 2: K.
Rep Rnds 1 and 2 until there are 44 (52, 60) sts remaining.
Work even in st st until sock measures 4 1/2 (5 1/2, 6 1/2) in. / 11.5 (14, 16.5) cm from back of heel, or about 1 1/4 (1 1/2, 1 3/4) in. / 3.2 (3.8, 4.5) cm less than desired total foot length.
Rnd 1: K to last 3 sts before right marker, K2tog, K1; K1, SSK, work to last 3 sts before left marker, K2tog, K1; K1, SSK, K to end. (4 sts decreased)
Rnd 2: K.
Rep Rnds 1 and 2 until 20 (24, 28) sts remain.
Rep Rnd 1 only until 16 sts remain.
Next rnd: *K to last 4 sts before right marker, K3tog, K1; K1, slip 3 sts, then k these 3 tog from the right*; rep from * to *. 8 sts remain.
Move the rem sts to 2 needles, centering the toe decreases (i.e., the 2 sts on either side of a marker) on each needle, and removing the markers. Cut yarn leaving a 10 in. / 25 cm tail. Graft rem toe sts. Graft 12 sts from end of lace to corresponding cast-on edge, using cast-on tail. Weave in loose ends. Block.
This pattern c2006 by A Bluestocking Knits. (Rev. 14 November 2006)